Sunday, June 1, 2014

What are these Holes in my Potato Leaves?

Looks like Bethel Community Garden has Flea Beetles. This is not a very big problem. Flea Beetles are fairly common in this area, and hatch during damp, cool spring conditions. We imagine this will lessen as the season progresses. They can also effect Tomatoes, Lettuces, and Cole Crops. Leaf feedings damage plant appearance. It takes 20% to 30% foliage damage to effect yield.

Indications of flea beetle damage to plants:
-Leaves look like they've been peppered with fine shot. There may be hundreds of tiny holes in a single leaf.
-When plants are disturbed, tiny black insects jump.
-Heavily damaged plants may be wilted or stunted.
-Potatoes have surface scars or deeper holes bored into them, causing discoloration.

Please continue to keep your beds and paths weeded. Flea Beetles can jump 3 feet from weeds to our garden plants, and weeds are potential food sources and hibernation sites.

If you recognize this problem on your plants, control is recommended.
Just out of courtesy to your fellow gardeners. Although these bugs aren’t a big deal, we want to keep them from spreading to neighboring beds.

For more information on prevention and control, read WSU Master Gardeners “Beating Flea Beetles”.

Feel free to contact Garden Mentors with your questions.

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