Friday, May 2, 2014

Growing Together- On Distance and Community

     Recently I was part of a Board meeting that went on several days.  We meet face-to-face only twice a year.  The rest of the time we conduct business and keep in touch by e-mail (I know, I know—so retro!), but it works for us…sort of.
     I discovered at our latest Board meeting the importance of face-to-face contact.
     One of our members for a number of reasons has missed a couple of Board meetings and as the months went by, I experienced a sort of drifting disconnect.  We still communicated regularly by e-mail, but it really wasn’t enough to stay ‘connected.’  And, when you are not ‘connected,’ you start to feel the distance between you.
     When you feel the distance between you, you can start to imagine all sorts of things that are separating you…or could separate you.  So, the distance between you broadens and deepens, and your negative imagination runs rampant.
     We used Skype this last Board meeting, and, though it is not entirely satisfactory, it did help to bridge this emotional gap.  Communications were improved and connections were strengthened.
     What has this to do with community gardening and specifically Bethel Community Garden?  I don’t know my community gardeners very well (and in some cases, I don’t know them at all).  We are like ships passing in the night—seeds sown here and plants planted there appearing as if my magic.
     Who, for example, is doing such a good job with tomatoes in Bed 18, or what is that kind of squash in Bed 4?  How do I find out?  Whom do I ask?
     Community depends on communication and connection.
     That we will try to address through community garden picnics this coming summer.  We will set a time and date, and invite all of you to come—share of your garden’s bounty—and get to know each other.
     That way distances will be minimized and connections strengthened and community reinforced.  Stay tuned and start thinking about what you can share to enrich us all. – Joe 

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